Sunday, March 16, 2025

BattleTech Mechs

 BattleTech Mechs

These guys were a painting and gaming project that (apart from the painting!) never took off. They sat unused in the cupboard for years until I sold them to a good home. I’ve just rediscovered these photos and thought I’d post them. I have no idea of the mech types. They were all plastic models.

The Battletech Compendium 1640 was a single-source rulebook that included all the rules from BattleTech, CityTech and AeroTech games. It was printed in 1990. 

Plus the Battletech Map Set #1618! 

It consisted of six 450mm x 450mm terrain maps. 

1 x Scattered Woods

1 x City Ruins

1 x Desert Hills

1 x Mountain Lake

1 X City Map (original CityTech map)

1 x Mixed Terrain map (original BattleTech map)

And the record sheets:

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