Sunday, February 23, 2025

Early Carthaginian DBA I/61ab

My DBA early Carthaginian army (DBA I/61ab) is all complete. I wanted a desert style base, so I used crackle texture (See Tutorial Here). I’m happy with the results and it wasn’t much more fiddly than my usual method. 

The figures came from my lead pile and were a combination of newly painted figures and some that were thorough revamps. A wide range of manufacturers were used. Notes with the pictures.

Here’s the whole army on display. All the List I/61ab options are included.

Here is my Early Carthaginian cavalry. The cavalry are slightly converted Tin Soldier figures, except for the General who is from Xyston (a Persian actually). I'm happy with the shields, even the horse adjacent one! 

The chariots are refurbished Essex ones that were once in my DBM early Achaemenid army.

The General figure is from Irregular. 

These are my two elements of Citizen spearmen. 

This is the Carthaginian Sacred Band. The command figures are Irregular with Museum spearmen. I went with plain white shields for these guys. 

Both Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus wrote about the battle of Crimmisus in 341 BC where the Carthaginians are thoroughly bushwhacked by the Greeks in Sicily. Plutarch mentions the Sacred Band but no details about their shields, while Diodorus mentions white shields but not specifically the Sacred Band. I think they kinda stand out because of their plain-ness. 

These Citizen spearmen are all Museum. 

The Poeni are from deep in the lead pile, Minifigs I think. I’m happy with how the shields turned out, though the central boss was annoying because it prevented some bolder ‘Carthaginian’ designs. 

Here are the Celtic warband in Carthaginian service (4Wb). Good fun painting the plaid clothing and shield designs. A mix of Museum and Alternative Armies figures.

Here are the mercenary hoplites. I thought a sea theme with the shields was appropriate for these chaps. Very ancient Asgard figures with a modified spear position.

These Spanish scutarii (3Ax) are from Museum. I restricted the palette on the shields designs to black, red, yellow and white to try
and tie the group together. 

These are Sicels (3Ax) - Essex minis stolen from my Achaemenid Persian spares.

Numidian skirmishers (Ps) are from Alternative Armies. 

The Libyan light horse figures are from Museum. 

I kept the baggage camp simple. I plan on a more exciting camp design for the later Carthaginians.

So, there we have my early Carthaginians. I hope you like 'em.

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